HPA RESKAPE RESCUE KNIFE €16.45 €16.45 €16.45 Tax excl. The RESKAPE (for Rescue / Escape Knife) is a safety knife for professional rescue at sea or in the mountains, and all sports enthusiasts where a...
HPA SMJ AW RESCUE KNIFE €57.02 €57.02 €57.02 Tax excl. A rescue and emergency knife for sea and mountain professionals, the SMJ AW RESCUE (Air / Water) is specially designed to cut ropes (including...
HPA SMJ8 KNIFE €40.50 €40.50 €40.50 Tax excl. SMJ8: the new multi-purpose knife designed by HPA as comfortable hiking, fishing, hunting.
HPA LE SAUVETEUR Folding Rescue Knife €37.11 €37.11 €37.11 Tax excl. LE SAUVETEUR is a modern version of the sailor's knife. It is intended for safety and rescue wherever ropes are used, as an amateur or...